4. Broth for watering
If you cook vegetables, then do not rush to get rid of water. It is saturated with nutrients, with the help of which any seedlings in the country will grow faster. Use chilled broth for watering.
5. Ash for insect protection
To protect garden plants from aphids, fleas, cabbage mites, flies, apple moth, slugs and snails, sprinkle the soil with wood ash. After all, this is one of the available fertilizers for plants and soil.
6. Eggshells as fertilizers
It is eggshells that can be used as fertilizer for your plants in the country. After all, it consists of 90% calcium carbonate. It contains all the microelements necessary for the body: copper, fluorine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, silicon. Use a crushed shell.
7. A dry bench in the rain
After hard but beloved worries in the garden, it’s nice to sit down, relax and evaluate the result of your activity. It is impossible to imagine a country house without a bench. However, it is extremely uncomfortable to sit on it after the rain, but thanks to ingenuity, this can be changed. Make the backrest on hinges, and lower it during the rain so that the bench seat at the cottage remains dry.