4. Quagga
The quagga was a subspecies of zebra that lived in South Africa. These animals had a unique coloring: the front part of the body was striped like a zebra, and the back part had a uniform brown color. Quaggas were exterminated in the wild by the end of the 19th century due to hunting and competition for pastures with domestic animals. The last known quagga died in the Amsterdam Zoo in 1883.
5. The Great Auk (Garron)
The Great auk, or garron, was a large flightless bird that lived on the North Atlantic islands. These birds reached up to 85 cm in height and weighed about 5 kg. The Great Auks were skilled swimmers and divers, but could not fly, which made them easy prey for hunters. The last known representatives of this species were killed in the middle of the 19th century.
The disappearance of these species reminds us of the fragility of ecosystems and the importance of preserving biodiversity. Each of these animals was unique and played an important role in their ecosystems. The loss of such species underscores the need for active actions to protect nature and protect the remaining species from extinction. It is in our power to make sure that history does not repeat itself, and future generations can enjoy the diversity of life on our planet.