3. Michelangelo, “Leda and the Swan”
This painting could be 520 years old this year. But, unfortunately, it was destroyed. According to historical rumors, Michelangelo himself gave the painting to his pupil, who sold the painting in France. After some time, she falls into the eyes of Francois Sublet de Noyer, who destroyed her because of her too explicit content. However, contemporaries know what the painting looked like, as many artists, from unknown to famous, created copies of the painting or painted their own, inspired by the work of Michelangelo.
4. Vincent Van Gogh, “The Artist on his way to work”
The painting immediately recognizes the handwriting of the master. And the hero of the painting is the artist himself, holding painting supplies in his hands. The work was kept in Berlin at the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, but was irretrievably lost in a fire during World War II.
5. Antoine Watteau, “Spring”
The painting “Spring” was part of a series of paintings by Antoine Watteau about the seasons, created in 1716. It was discovered more than 200 years later — in 1964. Unfortunately, it was lost in the fire, and only one of the entire series of paintings has survived, which is called “Summer”.
The irretrievably lost paintings left a void in world painting and became objects of myths and legends. Their loss reminds us of the fragility of art and the importance of preserving and protecting it for future generations. They continue to be objects of search for art historians and collectors, and it is hoped that one day they will return to us from the past.